oil change

Once your diesel truck is back on the road, you’ll definitely want to keep it running strong. At Dave & Wayne Auto Center in Bethlehem, PA, we’ve got you covered.

mechanic working on the suspension of a vehicle on a lift

The steering and suspension systems are key safety-related systems that largely determine your car’s ride and handling. Have these systems checked regularly, at least once a year, and usually with a wheel alignment.

At Dave & Wayne Auto Center in Bethlehem, PA, we enjoy providing you with useful knowledge that pertains to the ownership and maintenance of your car, truck, or SUV. You may have noticed more and more electric cars hitting our roadways over the past few years. With that in mind, here’s a brief, but interesting look at the history of electric cars.


Once you’ve settled on an engine, the last thing you want to do is cut corners on the final steps. At Dave & Wayne Auto Center in Bethlehem, PA, we understand the importance of your investment.

man turning key to car

If you own or operate a fleet or commercial truck, you know it’s hard to keep everything working perfectly all the time. You have to choose what types of maintenance to give priority to, and what can wait. However, some small problems are indicators that a bigger issue is on the way. At Dave & Wayne Auto Center in Bethlehem, PA, our goal is to keep your fleet going.

A/C - Heat Control Panel in Vehicle

At Dave & Wayne Auto Center in Bethlehem, we understand how important it is to have ice cold AC in your truck on a long, hot day. Whether you drive a Chevy, Ford, or Dodge diesel pickup, chances are you have a lot of cab to cool down, and a subpar AC just won’t cut it.

mechanic with clipboard and pen checking things off

There’s no need to take your car to different specialized shops all over town in order to maintain your vehicle, just because you drive a high-end vehicle. Since we are dedicated to luxury and performance automobiles, at Dave & Wayne Auto Center in Bethlehem, our team of expert mechanics has the knowledge and ability necessary to handle all your maintenance and repair needs.

mechanic working on a vehicle

At Dave & Wayne Auto Center in Bethlehem, we specialize in detailed knowledge of complicated, performance systems. One such system, which is becoming ever more precise and complex, is the suspension on your car. Luxury and performance vehicles are innovators and leaders in the suspension field; and as such, it takes leading technicians to service them.

  • Jasper
  • 24-Hour Dropoff
  • 24 Month Warranty
  • AASP Button
  • Air Lift Tow and Haul
  • Fleet Services
  • Handicap Accessible
  • Radiator
  • State Inspection
  • Tech-net
  • Tires
  • WeatherTech
  • Wifi Available

318 W Union Blvd | Bethlehem, PA
(610) 867-8841
(610) 867-1267
Email the Shop
MON-WED | 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
THURSDAYS | 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
FRIDAYS | 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM